For securing backpacks your backpack, bags, luggage, and other small items we have the RepAlarm Pocket, which is in the category travel and camping products. When the 60 cm steel cable is cut through or the 3-digit lock gets disturbed, a screaming 100 Db sound will scare the thief away. The RepAlarm is portable and perfect for travelers.
To make coffee and thee on-the-go, the Avanti immersion heater is able to heat water in the car. The Avanti is both available with 12 or 14 volt adapter. For in the caravan or camper the Amigo immersion heater is available, which uses 220 Volt. The Amigo comes additionally with a colorful carrying-case and a heat resistant beaker. It’s certainly a welcome gift as well.
Night glasses are recommended when driving long during the night, because it reduces the strain on the eyes. For the passenger there’s a soft neck pillow for a nap. The Autello umbrella holder is great for storing wet umbrellas. It even comes with a water reservoir to throw away the collected water. No more soaking wet umbrella’s on the backseat.